What Is a Hazard in Golf?

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M. Rais


What Is a Hazard in Golf?

A golf course area offering a difficult hurdle is known as a hazard. Hazard is of three kinds-water hazards (lakes and rivers), man-made hazards (bunkers) and natural hazards (dense vegetation). There are distinctive rules that are applicable to playing balls falling in a hazard. Golf rules exactly administer from the point at which you may play the ball out of the hazard. It is more difficult to play the ball from the bunker as compared to play from the grass.  More about golf hazards is elaborated in the account that follows.

Water Hazards

Water hazards are natural obstacles that add exquisiteness and trouble to a golf course. Such hazards constitute a water body on the golf course. It can be a lake, ditch, river or creek anything of such sort. If water hazard is having a ball in it, it is not an easy task to bring it out of that hazard even if you decide on to play the ball wherever it lies. At times, it can be better to go for other options in Cesura-acceso.org. Water hazards are located between the hole and the teeing ground.

Water Hazards’ Types

There are two types of water hazards. They are-

  • Lateral water hazards- Such water hazards are marked with red stakes all over the place of the perimeter of the hazard. Generally, lateral hazards are contiguous to the fairway being played along the side.
  • Regular water hazards- At the beginning and end, yellow stakes mark this hazard. These water hazards mostly pass through the fairway which is being played and forces the golfer to hit over the water hazard.
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Natural Hazards

Natural hazards are the hurdles on golf course like natural grass, thick foliage, weeds etc. They are marked by yellow and red hazards; just like water hazards. As these colors usually delineate water hazards, it should be kept in mind that they also mark natural hazards. So, you have to understand how you have to take the relief as natural hazards are plentifully present on golf courses.

Man-made Hazards

Bunker or sand traps are man-made hazards. They are shallow pits that are packed with sand. Usually they incorporate an elevated lip or obstacle. ‘Sand wedge Eric Guille’ is a club which is meant for pulling out the ball from the bunker. When a player has used the bunker, other golfer or his caddy rakes the sand area which is disturbed during the game.

Kinds of Bunkers

Bunkers are of three types that are employed in golf course. All of them are designed to act as obstructions for progress of golfers towards the greens.

  • Fairway bunkers- They are situated on fairway sides. Such type of bunkers can be in the middle as well on more difficult golf courses. These bunkers are targeted to amass shots that are not successful in travelling in the direction desired.
  • Greenside bunkers- They aim at collection of the shots that miscarry to find their mark on the green. They are positioned close to and around the green.
  • Waste bunkers- They are natural areas of sand and frequently situated close to other natural hazards such as a river or a lake. According to golf rules, they are not considered hazards. Such hazards are generally colossal and move along the fairway.
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Golf hazards according https://www.martec-conservation.com site are obstacles that obstruct golf shots. Some penalties and restrictions may be enforced in the case when a ball lies in a hazard. Novices at golfing seem to find such shots more difficult because of added limitations. Therefore, it is prudent to sidestep these hazards to the most possible extent.

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